3 Tips to Look After Your Veneers

Are you considering Dental Veneer Treatment? More people are opting for Veneers to enhance and transform their smiles. To get the most out of your Dental Veneers, it’s important to look after them properly. In this article, we will cover the top 3 Dentist-approved tips on how to care for Porcelain Veneers.
Tip 1 – Properly Clean Your Veneers
Cleaning your Veneers is similar to a regular Oral health routine. Simply use a soft toothbrush to thoroughly clean the teeth and gently floss twice per day. You can also add a fluoride rinse and fluoride toothpaste or gel to your cleaning regimen. An Electric Toothbrush may be a better option than a manual toothbrush as it helps to avoid brushing too hard, which can damage the gum around your Veneers.
Tip 2 – Eat the Right Food
What can’t you eat with Veneers? The good news is, you can mostly consume regular foods with Veneers. However, our Dentists recommend avoiding biting into hard objects, chewing your fingernails and crunching on ice cubes as it may damage your Veneers. As always, we recommend maintaining a tooth-friendly diet by consuming healthy foods and avoiding excessive sugar, caffeine and alcohol. During your Trial Smile, you should avoid biting into hard food as it may damage your Temporary Veneers.
Tip 3 – Visit the Dentist for regular appointments
Your Dentist will provide you with an aftercare plan, which will involve routine Dental Check Up and Clean appointments once every six months. These appointments are vital to ensure the longevity of your Dental Veneer Treatment by removing plaque and tartar and monitoring your overall Oral Health. Your Dentist will also be able to monitor the condition of your Veneers.
Benefits of Dental Veneers
There are many different benefits to receiving Dental Veneer Treatment if you are a suitable candidate. You can achieve your dream smile without having to go through lengthy orthodontic treatment or invasive Dental surgery.
Porcelain Veneers can be used to correct:
- Spaced teeth
- Crowded teeth
- Discoloured or yellow teeth
- Uneven teeth
- Poorly shaped teeth
- Worn teeth, attrition, or abrasion
- Fillings with poor aesthetics
If you’re looking to fix any of these Dental concerns with Veneers, book a Cosmetic Consultation with Brisbane Smiles today.
How Long Do Veneers Last For?
How long do Porcelain Veneers last? The longevity of Veneers will depend on how well you care for them and the quality of the Veneer Treatment. Here at Brisbane Smiles, we provide only the highest quality Veneer Treatment and will educate you on how to best care for your Veneers.
Depending on your Oral Health routine, Brisbane Smiles’ Porcelain Veneers will last and look amazing for well over 20 years. Resin Veneers will last 3-8 years, depending on your Oral Health routine.
How to Care for Temporary Veneers
How to care for Temporary Veneers? Caring for Temporary Veneers is similar to caring for regular Veneers. Temporary Veneers are slightly less durable than regular Veneers, therefore you should take some extra precautions. Be careful not to bite into hard food or objects, which may break the Temporary Veneers. At the Trial Smile appointment, your Dentist will provide you with the best tips to care for your Temporary Veneers.