
Financial Planning During Divorce: Advice from Divorce Lawyers

Financial Planning During Divorce

Bringing uncertainty in finances , divorce is one of the most financially demanding periods in a person’s life.

Besides, there are quite many emotional challenges that people experience, and the division of property, as well as financial issues and planning in their relationships, demand proper and thoughtful treatment.

The case involves advising people going through the process of getting a divorce and giving legal advice to clients to protect their assets.

Below are some useful guidelines that you would like to learn concerning financial management during the time of divorce as provided by attorneys.

Assess Your Financial Situation Early On

Another advice that divorce lawyers suggest which is as fundamental as the first is that one should financially audit oneself.

This includes assembling all source of income statements like the bank statements, tax returns, investment records, property deeds, among others.

Knowledge of the consumable property and liabilities together with the sources of income will help in ascertaining what is due for partition and that which will be available to every party when the divorce is complete.

Set Realistic Financial Goals

Due to emotions arising from the impending dissolution of the marriage, it is not uncommon to hear a party demanding unreasonable amounts for the other’s support.

A competent divorce lawyer will assist you to lay out achievable financial objectives grounded in laws and past cases.

This may require preference of certain kinds of assets over others, the effects of taxes, and proper investment for future security instead of getting richer in the short term.

Collaborate with Financial Experts

As thus one should coordinate and also involve more than divorce lawyers especially in intricate fiscal situations like high net worth divorce or business.

Some of these may include forensic accountants, persons in the field of financial planning and tax consultants.

They execute them in identifying the existence of other assets, establishing the real value of the property, and formulating the best way to reduce the incidences of taxation regarding the split of assets.

Understand Your Rights and Entitlements

Every state or the jurisdiction in this country has its laws when it comes to dividing the properties during a divorce.

Family law involving divorce will be taught to you by a divorce lawyer who will inform you of your legal rights and what you are legally entitled to.

By doing so you will be in a better position to negotiate on the issue of division of properties marital assets, spousal support or alimony and even child support if the case calls for it.

Plan for Post-Divorce Financial Stability

This paper agrees with the stance that, while financial planning in divorce must occur at the time of the settlement, they should not stop there.

This will be made possible by the divorce lawyer that would have assisted in coming up with the financial plan after divorce.

This may imply preparing a new plan of managing daily expenditure, review of insurance policies, informing relatives or friends on financial affairs and developing a new investment plan due to the changes that have occurred.

Minimize Legal Costs

Counseling fees are usually subjected to significant expenditures especially in the course of a divorce.

It is critical for experienced divorce attorneys to understand that organizational communication should be effective and efficient with a view of reducing on costs most especially on the litigation process.

They can suggest modes of handling conflicts in the divorce such as mediation or collaborative divorce where the costs are significantly lower than in a court of law and the case does not necessarily have to be represented by a lawyer.

Protect Your Credit Score

In particular, divorce can affect one’s credit ratings in that shared liabilities core can devastate one’s credit record if not well managed.

It may sometimes be quite challenging to manage ones credit during and after a divorce, this is why your divorce lawyer will brief you on how you can best handle this matter.

It may require you to freeze all the linked accounts, discussing the possible ways of paying off the debt, and checking your credit report for fraud.

Stay Organized and Document Everything

The management of resources during the period of divorce particularly concerning financial aspects requires efficiency.

Document everything related to money, your lawyer and everything that has been filed with the court.

Not only does it put the documentation that establishes the progress of your case to use, but also in cases where there was a dispute regarding the distribution of assets or child support payments.

Plan for Taxes

Issues related to taxes are generally not considered when the couple is negotiating their divorce.

Family law lawyers advise looking at the tax implications of division of property, financial and child support.

A word with a tax advisor will go a long way in ensuring one does not get caught up on some meager taxes after divorce.

Take Care of Your Emotional Well-Being

Last but not the least; Divorce is more or less a stressful procedure, which directly affects the health of the subject.

Additional to budgeting, take care of your physical and mental health and talk to friends, family or a counselor.

The physical health of a person has its impact on his/her mental health and, therefore, on his/her chances of winning in the legal battles of divorce as well as in managing finance in the correct manner.


No two people approach financial planning amid a divorce has the same way, and it demands analytical thinking, proper decision-making as well as assistance from divorce lawyers and financial advisors.

How, you may ask can one protect one’s financial status during such a difficult period of marital breakdown?

Well, it is by doing the following: Asking for an appraisal of ones economic situation at the onset, setting up realistic objectives, being aware of one’s rights, and finalisation of a financial prognosis for the post-separation period.

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