Is Social Media Promotion a Complete Waste of Time?

Social media is wasting much of our precious time. It can be used for a lot of things like voicing out your opinion on everyday subjects. Getting to know what your friends are going through, liking their posts and getting to know new people. So, social media can be a drain on your time. People usually use social media for this but some PR experts, Indian press release distribution services and entrepreneurs have found some good news on these social media sites. I interviewed entrepreneurs to find out the ways to use social media in a positive and profitable way.
Brief in Content
First rule of PR on social media is to be brief and not be boring. In the modern age of tech, no one has the time to read the big press release that just doesn’t work anymore, you need to be creative and should know how to get your message delivered without sounding to formal.
You could make a six second video and upload it on Instagram or Pinterest. That’s a very modern way to communicate. But the whole emphasis should be on being brief and being creative.
Content’s Quality
Second Rule of PR on social media is to be newsworthy. Before the age of social media when people wanted to break a news story, they’d either hire some great press release distribution service or contact their list of reporters and tell them their client would want to make a statement but now that doesn’t work anymore, you have to preemptive and inject news into the story so that there can be more media coverage and you can basically sell yourself more in this way and also you need to tell real-time news. Before the age of social media, you could suppress news stories now it’s nearly impossible.
Help Service
Third Rule is to be helpful. Nowadays it’s very easy to make friends online on twitter or Facebook. This is really helpful in getting your message across. Also, most of the time we should think about being on the giving end rather the receiving we end, we should give out stories rather than inquiring about them through people and reporters.
Avoidance of Facebook
Fourth Rule of PR is to basically avoid Facebook. You must be asking why is that? Well, Facebook is a good website for promoting startups, party planning, event planning or cosmetics business but for the rest of us, our posts shouldn’t be in the same newsfeed as vacations pictures or pictures of animals or rants.
There is one exception though that is Facebook groups, these groups give us a unique market access to likeminded people. Through these groups you can control who sees the group who can join etc but apart from this there is little or no use of Facebook.
Immediate Response
Fifth rule of PR on social media is to be alive, it doesn’t hurt to directly reply to people on social media. Specially during a crisis situation, you need a strong PR team that can take charge of the situation and manage both the people and the press. Often time people negatively comment about your company on social media.
Internet is a free space and people can do what they want so it’s the job of your PR team to take these negative comments and use them to your advantage.
If you see someone ranting about a product of your company tell them to email you the problem or direct message these kinds of little things go a long way in building a good PR face. Most press release distribution services in India use social media for promotion.
Promotion through Videography
Sixth and final rule of PR on social media to be handy is videographer. If you’re a tech savvy company then this is the best thing for you. Often time it’s easier to break the news with videos rather than post. Videos are way more interactive and fun. Video sharing sites like YouTube are the best way to break the news as nothing is formal on social media. Social media can really come in handy in the modern age of information the speed of news has increased and so has the work of PR experts.